
I'm now looking for sponsors for the 2014 season. If you would like me to promote your business or just have questions, please contact me at: lmf69@roadrunner.com

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Season Closes

I believe the last time I blogged I mentioned that a night tournament was coming up next. That went OK, I had four fish weighing in at 6 lbs, however the guy on the back of my boat finished 2nd with 5 that weighted 8.5l bs. This is always a hard one for me to swallow, not so much that I didn't win, but that I got whooped on from the back of my own boat. At one point in the night he was calling and I only had 1 fish in the boat. Had it not been for the last hour as the sun was coming up, when I put 3 in the boat, it would have been a very disappointing night. Wouldn't you know it the very next tournament was Lake Erie, where I have won the past 2 years by a significant margin. This time I had a good friend fishing with me, he was having boat trouble, so I offered to take him since he was in the points lead for the year. Once again I got whooped off the back of my boat. We caught a few fish on the shallow flat that I won off of the past 2 years, but not what we were looking for. We made the 10 mile run west from the islands to a sweet spot he has. Of course it is his spot so I am not going to give away where it is at, all I will say is there is a narrow ridge on the outside of one off the reefs out from Davis Bessie. Once we arrived I had my 5 in under 30 minutes and he was feeling the pressure. I gave him control of the boat and with true style he answered right back. At that point I still had him by a pound or so, then I messed up. I started moving the boat too fast and I couldn't keep the drop shot on the bottom. By the time I realized my mistake he put several more fish in the boat, including one just shy of 6 lbs. I had 5 that went 17.8 lbs, my highest weight in the past 3 years, only he had 20.2 lbs and won again. I finished 4th, not bad, just not what I wanted. 2nd and 3rd came off of his brother's boat, more than 20 miles from where we were.  If not for another guy having 2nd big bass, all of the money would come off just 2 of the15 boats. It feels like a disappointing year, I have not even won a club tournament. Overall I finished 3rd for the year even though I didn't make it to the last tournament.  Most may think not too bad, but when you strive for going higher, pardon my French but it sucks. I may make another trip or two in November to get on the big fish down by Ruggles Beach, other than that its about time to start fun fishing and stocking up the freezer with B-gill, Crappie, and Saugeye. I will try to give you a few tips throughout the rest of the year on stocking up the freezer.
Being outside is always better than working!